Certification Course

"Focusing-Oriented Therapy - A Compassionate Path to Radical Change"

If Focusing has profoundly changed you and your life, and you wish to help other people experience that powerful change,

If you want to continue cultivating and expanding your therapeutic Presence,

If you wish to keep refining your therapeutic skills and improving your precision and effectiveness,

If you want to develop a career that is meaningful to you and nurtures your soul,

this Focusing-Oriented Therapy Course is for you.

The FOT Course is an advanced training designed to:

  • deepen the attitude, knowledge, and practice of applying experiential, process-oriented approach,

  • foster and develop competencies in effectively facilitating the Focusing process with others,

  • cultivate therapeutic presence, develop further knowledge, skills, and competencies in applying Focusing-oriented psychotherapy in a client-specific way,

  • help you see the ‘whole picture’ and beneath the surface while working with a variety of presenting problems,

  • cultivate radical compassion as a way of facilitating a big and sustainable change.

The key highlights of the FOT Course:

1. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers both foundational principles and advanced topics in a two-year sequence of workshops, offering insights and a well-rounded exploration of human nature, facilitating human change, and achieving balance. The workshops build on each other to support your immersion and development as an FOT psychotherapist through transformative, experiential learning and practice.

2. Expert Guidance - Some feedback from previous participants:

  • “Biliana’s vast knowledge, clinical experience, and passion for the FOT approach make learning a deeply engaging experience.” KA

  • “Her approach, individual attention, and guidance support everyone in gaining a deeper understanding of Presence, compassion, and skill precision.” SD

  • Thank you, Biliana, for another year of deep learning. I am so grateful to you and how you have helped my practice with clients, as well as how I am with myself. Most crucial of all! I am grateful for your level of experience and ability to articulate and demonstrate this work and the rationale behind it. I appreciate your wisdom and commitment to this work. It feels like a privilege to tap into what you offer us.” SP

  • Thank you for an extraordinary weekend of learning and connection. Your facilitation and holding are really special, and I'm incredibly grateful to have serendipitously found your offerings.” EB

3. Community and Networking: Join a group of peers who share a common interest in applying Focusing on many aspects of life and in different settings. This course offers a platform for regular peer practice, support, meaningful exchanges, and professional connections, with practice days and supervision groups.

4. Professional Development Investment: If you resonate with humanistic values and a process-oriented, person-centred therapeutic approach, this course provides coherent, complete, and broad professional development in alignment with your values.

5. Being Certified as an FOT therapist by The International Focusing Institute: Besides providing professional development, this course offers an opportunity to be certified and internationally recognised as a Certified FOT Therapist and Certified Focusing Trainer. For more details, please get in touch with Biliana for the FOT Certification Program Outline.

 This course provides a supportive and stimulating setting for immersive and transformative learning. It offers in-depth training for cultivating Presence, expanding knowledge, refining skills and establishing confidence in applying FOT in different contexts or situations. It is equally open to everyone who desires to continue learning and applying the Focusing practice in professional settings or as personal development. Everyone can do the whole programme or some relevant aspects without wanting to be certified. Overall, the Course is oriented towards counsellors, psychotherapists, coaches, and health and healing professionals. 

Completing Focusing Course parts 1 and 2 (a minimum of 35 hours of in-class learning and practice) is a prerequisite to entering this training program

Learning Format

The FOT Certification Course (FOT-CC) is a two-year, part-time structured sequence of workshops, guided readings, and practical learning activities for self-aware and self-motivated participants. It includes regular partnership practice, one-on-one sessions with the Coordinator, and monthly practice and supervision groups.

 For a comprehensive FOT-CC outline, contact Biliana.


Training Program - FAQ

  • You do not need to be a therapist or have other formal credentials to become certified as a Focusing Trainer and Professional. This Certification Course is for everyone inspired to help other people learn the empowering skills and attitude of Focusing. This two-year training will help you develop and demonstrate your ability to provide a safe and empowering experience of the Focusing process to others, both one-on-one and in groups.

    However, if you are already certified as a therapist (counsellor, psychologist, psychotherapist, social worker, psychiatrist, etc.) and a professional association member, upon the program completion, you will be certified as a Focusing-Oriented Therapist and Focusing Trainer. There is some difference in the individual supervision focus. 

  • A pre-requisite for the FOT-CC is completing parts 1 and 2 of the Focusing Course or another equivalent course with another Certified Focusing Teacher.

  • In this two-year comprehensive course, you will:

    ·      Further develop and embody a consistent Focusing attitude (a state of Presence) and skills in facilitating and teaching the Focusing process

    ·      Learn to confidently recognise, listen and follow the unfolding experiencing process within you and your clients

    ·      Engage deeper with Gendlin’s Philosophy of the Implicit and its application in FOT and Focusing to offer it in an embodied and person-centred way

    ·      Strengthen your understanding and facilitation of the assessment and the change process in FOT

    .      Be able to adjust the process of FOT to suit a variety of clients and their presenting problems

    ·      Have ongoing support of your mentor and collaborative community of peers

  • The program is delivered in person, in a teaching centre in Melbourne, in small groups to ensure individual attention and adjustments to your needs. The program's main components include a series of workshops every 6-8 weeks over two years, one-on-one sessions with the Coordinator, participation in monthly supervision and practice groups, and ongoing, regular partnership practice organised in your own time.

  • Yes, you are welcome to participate in any workshop you choose for your further learning and practice. To fully benefit from the advanced training, completing the Focusing Course parts 1 and 2 is recommended.

  • To express your interest in joining the FOT Certification Course and get the outline of the entire curriculum and all other details, connect with Biliana.