About Focusing

What Is Focusing?

Focusing is a body-oriented process of awareness, deep healing and growth.

Focusing is a therapeutic and healing method; a way of moving our lives forward from stuck places; a tool for decision making; a way of finding creativity, competence and meaning in our lives. It is a practice that will help you live from a deeper place than just thoughts and feelings and feel your true self.

Learning and practising Focusing will bring you in touch with your deeper knowing by engaging your body’s subtle capacity for “felt sensing”. In such a way, Focusing will help you to access and use your own ‘inner compass’ to navigate the maze of life, towards wholeness and authentic being.

Although everyone has a bodily sense of whatever they are experiencing now, we are used to associating intelligence with our thinking, logic and brain. Practising the Focusing method will bring you in touch with a larger intelligence connected to you through your “sensing body”. Focusing is a life skill that will help you utilise your felt sense to know what is "right" for you, and a way beyond past experiences and just logic. Everyone can learn it.

Focusing was discovered through research that investigated what led to successful psychotherapy process. A growing body of research over more than 60 years has confirmed its efficacy in reducing stress, fostering resilience and facilitating a lasting change. One of the greatest strengths of Focusing is the ease with which it can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches. All health care professionals can learn and add the Focusing method to the work they already do, and their clients can experience desired change in a context of safety, empathy and empowerment.

Resources Related To Focusing

The International Focusing Institute

How Can Focusing Help Me?

Recent years of developments in cognitive neuroscience have been revealing more about how the brain works. While both brain hemispheres have complementary functions, the left hemisphere's specialty is on details, logic, reasoning, language, repetitive patterns, etc. The right-brain hemisphere holds “the bigger picture”, broad awareness, imagination, intuition, insight, 3-D forms, etc. Our modern culture and education have over-emphasised the left-brain functions and neglected the development and use of the right-brain functions. That loss of balance and wholeness has multiple consequences in individual lives and our societies. Our overall health, sense of self, purpose, and relationships with others depend on establishing the balance again.

The practice of the Focusing process integrates the whole brain functions and in such a way, cultivates a strong sense of self and connects us directly to embodied inner knowing about any relevant life situation. Many people tend to rush and ignore this inner wisdom that is freshly forming in each moment, or they didn’t learn yet how to connect to it and use it like their own ‘inner compass’.  

Focusing can be utilised for

  • Becoming clear on what you deeply feel and want

  • Feeling calmer and more compassionate to yourself and others

  • Finding relief from tension, stress and perpetual pain

  • Making decisions and problem-solving in many different situations

  • Regulating the state of overwhelm and overreacting

  • For when you’re feeling stuck

  • Dealing with relational issues or health challenges

  • Navigating life transitions

  • Developing new ideas or connecting to your creativity

  • Integrating your mind, body and spirit

  • Connecting to the spiritual dimension of being - as a deep Soul-centred work

  • For better effectiveness of counselling and psychotherapy process

The list is endless.

Simply saying, the Focusing process works with anything that matters to you sufficiently to have a felt sense about. Any life situation is just a starting point for the felt-sensing process.


Guided Clearing a Space


What is Focusing?