Discover Your Body Intelligence 

Learn to embrace your body, nourish your soul and walk your path

To be here and live in our world today is the utmost adventure imaginable. It is a great time to be in the world when so many new horizons are opening all the time (and with each new year). But the greater the light is, the deeper the shadow. We seem to believe that to be is to have, that our identity depends on possessions and achievements. That creates a way of living under the imprisonment and tyranny of stress. So many people live their lives overwhelmed, isolated and hungry – for food, safety, a hug, solace, … or soulful life. Inside, we have become lonelier and desperate for ‘more’.

Yet, the greatest mystery resides in the inner world. Each of us has to find out who we are and what has heart and meaning for us before the intimacy of our hearts touches the world. Direct experience is the arena where this whole adventure happens. Nobody else can give us our own answers. We have to stop searching everywhere externally and find the courage to undertake the inner process of attunement, awareness, recognition and transformation. Accessing the hidden body intelligence is how we enter a deeper knowing of who we are and the next steps we should take to unfold our possibilities and dreams.

Felt sensing is tapping into that embodied intelligence broader than our cognitive and emotional intelligence. Our bodily intelligence makes decisions for us anyway, not our ‘head’. Felt sensing gives us access to bodily intelligence, and we learn to trust it. It is not a new process in human history, but it gets lost and has to be rediscovered over and over again. Because through it, when we pause in our busy days to notice and nurture an emerging felt sense, we get in touch with what matters and do soul work. When we lose the practice of felt sensing as we did in our way of living in most ‘modern’ societies today, we become externally guided and lose direct contact with the life force, vitality and autonomy.

Felt sensing is a gift and a missing bridge between the inner life (innate, embodied wisdom) and the outer world (actions and manifestations). Practising felt sensing has immensely changed me and my life. It helped me to develop Presence and precision in my service. It helps me directly connect with a timeless wisdom that transcends the interpretations, concepts, cultures, and religions we create to try to pass on that wisdom. I am passionate about giving you that gift – a process of felt sensing.

Through different forms of media, we are bombarded with so much information, so many ‘cookies’ already baked for us to swallow on the fast production line. I am not offering you another ‘cookie’ but a new way of being in a world and a life process. There are two things we can never do in the fast lane – we can neither deepen our experience nor integrate it. However, both are essential tasks for living a meaningful and satisfying life.

In many ways and through different stories, old teachings say that a treasure we seek is closer than we think – in our bodies.

A felt sense is a doorway to the implicit meaning.

The Focusing Part 1 Course and practice will help you access and utilise your body intelligence, a holistic inner wisdom connected to your authentic self. You will learn a body-oriented process of self-awareness and a deep emotional healing method that will enhance your self-awareness, intuition and relational attunement.


Resources for dealing with stress and feeling overwhelmed


Experiential Dreamwork